Our mission at Dream Big Sports Club (a 501(c)(3) organization) is to provide the finest tournament atmosphere in Vermont, bringing together hundreds of teams, players, coaches, and fans to the Northeast Kingdom. By doing so, we aim to provide opportunities for thousands of people to enjoy not only our top-notch facilities but also the fantastic dining and food experiences while exploring the beautiful countryside.

Why Sponsor?

We take pride in our commitment to local community high school gyms, game management personnel, and certified game officials. Upholding the tradition of sportsmanship is at the core of what we do, ensuring a positive and fair experience for all participants.

Your sponsorship will contribute directly to:
Gym, Facilities Rental, and Custodial Services: Ensure that our tournaments have access to high-quality facilities and maintain cleanliness.

Officials: Support the presence of certified game officials to guarantee fair play and a competitive atmosphere.

Game Management Personnel: Contribute to the efficient organization and execution of our events through dedicated game management personnel.

Spectator Admission: We remain the only tournament that does not charge admission for family and friends to watch the action.

As a sponsor, you will receive promotional opportunities, including the display of banners, distribution of flyers, and placement of ads on our website.

$500: Bronze Supporter 

$1000: Silver Sponsor 

$1500: Gold Contributor 

Custom Amounts Welcome!

Your support will be an impactful contribution to the local community and the spirit of sportsmanship that we hold dear

Furniture Barn, Vermont
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